This year, the SEAW selected exhibition is taking place online. 304 paintings by 81 artists were entered and the final online exhibition consists of 165 paintings by 71 artists. The three judges – Lillias August, John Crossley and Julia Sorrell are all active members of the Royal Watercolour Society or the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour. The SEAW online selected exhibition   runs from 23rd October to 6th December 2020.

I am so thrilled to say that I have been lucky enough to have three paintings accepted out of the six that I entered.


The paintings that were accepted

These are the three paintings that were accepted into the exhibition –

Hold your breath

Looking out across the lake on an extremely hot summer’s day, I was struck by the sparkle of the strong sun on the water and the extreme contrast that it gave against the wet banks. I also like that I now look at this painting and can also see it as a moonlit image, which intrigues me.

Catching the breeze by Penny Newman

Catching the breeze

Sitting outside looking at and listening to the landscape around me is one of my greatest pleasures. Through this painting I sought to capture something of the tinkling sound of the breeze as it blew through and rustled the leaves on each of the trees.

The beauty of trees

This was painted at the end of a full day working outside. I sought to capture the softness, distance and beauty of a line of trees seen far ahead as the day came to a close using a mix of blues, greens and a mixture of lost and found edges.

Please come and visit the SEAW online selected exhibition. There is the opportunity to vote for your favourite painting – entries for which are entered into a draw to win a £75 voucher to be spent on art at this exhibition.